Medical Technology Ireland 2024Products & Services CorFlow Therapeutics AG / CoFI System - Diagnostics & therapy for coronary obstructions
CorFlow Therapeutics AG / CoFI System - Diagnostics & therapy for coronary obstructions
Cardiovascular diseases are still the most common cause of death worldwide. The Swiss start-up CorFlow has set itself the task of reducing these figures - and has developed the Controlled Flow Infusion (CoFI) system, the first combined device that can both detect and treat microvascular obstructions after a heart attack. Compared to existing methods, CoFI is used directly in the cath lab and can help to quickly detect obstructions in the smallest blood vessels. Up to 20 percent of patients require further treatment after a heart attack - CoFI helps to minimize this risk immediately.
CorFlow Therapeutics AG - CoFI System